Data Collection and AI in the Blue Economy: White Paper Announcement

The blue economy, encompassing ocean-based industries, is set to become a $3 trillion market by 2030, driven by innovative technologies, including artificial intelligence. As traditional industries embrace digital transformation, AI is poised to deliver significant advancements in areas like ocean data collection, maritime shipping, aquaculture, and fisheries.

“Today’s empirical models process only about 10% of vessel data, compared with 90% for AI models, which can then generate accurate performance insights.”

— Impact Economist (2023), Global Maritime Trends 2050

Ocean data collection, once limited by the harsh marine environment, is now experiencing a breakthrough due to AI and advanced sensors. The ability to quickly analyze vast amounts of ocean data offers immense potential for investors. Companies that integrate AI into their operations will see enhanced decision-making capabilities, better resource management, and a sustainable approach to ocean industries​.

AI is also revolutionizing commercial maritime shipping. With AI-driven optimization platforms, shipping companies can achieve significant operational efficiencies while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing the spread of invasive species. Investors should note that every $1 invested in decarbonizing shipping could generate a return of $2 to $5, presenting a compelling financial opportunity​.

The aquaculture industry, predicted to reach nearly $300 billion in the next decade, is another prime target for AI innovation. By using AI to monitor fish health, optimize feeding, and predict disease outbreaks, companies can enhance productivity and profitability. Angel investors should look for startups addressing these pain points, as they are well-positioned for growth.

Finally, AI’s impact on global fisheries cannot be overstated. From monitoring illegal fishing to optimizing fish catch, AI-driven technologies offer solutions to longstanding challenges in this critical industry. With AI, fishing companies can operate more sustainably and efficiently, safeguarding marine ecosystems while meeting the growing global demand for seafood.

Download the white paper, “DATA COLLECTION & AI IN THE BLUE ECONOMY” here.

About SeaAhead  

SeaAhead is a benefit corporation founded in Boston with the mission of supporting venture innovation for the ocean. We are creating a bluetech startup platform, helping to build companies through our BlueSwell incubator, facilitating investments through the Blue Angels, and catalyzing a bluetech cluster in the Northeast. Our ecosystem includes technologists, scientists, startups, foundations, corporations, governments, and other ocean stakeholders who are coming together to create positive ocean impact and scaling solutions with ocean-centric approaches to the challenges of climate change.

About the New England Aquarium

The New England Aquarium is a nonprofit research and conservation organization that has protected and cared for our ocean and marine animals for more than 50 years. They inspire everyone to form a deeper connection to the ocean and take action to protect it.


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